Follower RL

monster taming

You are weak, your allies are not. Hopefully 😅
  • TAME creatures
  • SURVIVE the dungeon with up to four creatures following you in each cardinal direction (north, east, south, west).
    They ATTACK automatically, based on the move they have in that direction

You are summoned to a very foreign dungeon in another world.  Lucky for you, you have a very powerful cheat: you can buy food from our world. Each monster in the dungeon seem to love at least one of our dishes.



Playable in the browser. Upon request, I can make a build for your OS, just let me know.


In the dungeon, you cannot attack, but you will have to rely on the creatures you have tamed. You can always gift them a variety of dishes from our world!


  • MOVE with WASD keys
  • ROTATE followers with Q and  E
  • SHOP with F
  • BOND with a creature (or attempt to) with R
  • Click on a creature for more info on what dishes it likes, their moves, abilities and more!
  • Click on a dish (bottom left) or press I to give the currently selected item to a creature. Be careful, your followers can receive gifts too, until they have 5 red hearts.


  • there are 2 special abilities: the ability to show you the stairs down at the beginning of a level, and the ability to show you the initial position of all creatures in the current level
  • heart rating goes from 5 black hearts to 5 red hearts (think -5 to 5)
  • this was a submission for the 7DRL 2023




  • rot.js for a great engine
  • React for the UI and mantine for the components
  • My own base game template
  • Feeder RL (old 7DRL submission) for some small utilities


Thanks for playing! Leave feedback of any kind here.


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Did a gameplay video for your game.


Use F to open the shop menu/inventory.  There is no actual farm; you use the money from slaying monsters to buy more food.  There is no way to re-order your inventory (that I can tell), but it's fine to leave it empty until you want to feed a monster, then just buy that food and it will go to the front of the queue.

Use R or T to *recruit* new monsters that like you enough. It does not rotate followers, and it doesn't work if your party is full (4 monsters max, no way to release them).

Use Q or E to *actually* rotate your party.

Click monsters to cause a pop-up showing their stats and their feelings about food (plus/minus hearts). Health and mana are top right, relationship hearts are top left. Black relationship hearts are negative.  Pink hearts are positive ones.

Click the turn number to see how much money you get per kill and how many hearts you need to tame monsters on the current floor.  Both change every floor.

No idea how to get your monsters to attack, but they certainly need to be next to or inside of the enemy and you can tell if its working or not by the presence or absence of animations for attack or magic there.  Magic in my experience does not do enough damage to be worthwhile, and also your followers will attack you with it constantly which can be annoying (but luckily not very threatening).

There's no end, as far as I have found.  And all monsters can be converted easily given your plentiful resources.  Also the displacer beast can solo most enemies no problems.

The game is a neat idea and it would be cool to see it made into more of a finished work!

Oh, you can change the current item by pressing Z and C, but yeah, it was hard just fitting all that UI work in 7 days xD

(1 edit)

yes, sorry, the readme is from day 2 of the 7DRL and I just had time to update it now. xD

Thanks for playing!

oh. one last thing. followers attacking you is from cheats I added to test things that I forgot to remove before the final built was published. I’ll remove this annoyance right away. Technically, it is still within the aloted time for the jam